single tooth implant : )
What is an implant ?
A dental implant is a metal post that acts as a tooth root and is the best replacement for tooth and root that are damaged or missing. Dental implants look, feel and function like natural teeth. One is able to virtually eat anything with implants having replaced missing and damaged teeth.
In addition, implants also help maintain facial contours and prevent bone loss and deterioration that almost always occurs when missing teeth are not replaced.
Procedure :
- Once you have decided that implant is the ideal choice of treatment for you, a thorough medical / dental / radiographic examination is carried out to prepare for the procedure.
- The implants are surgically placed into the jawbone under local anaesthesia.
- A temporary tooth is placed onto the implant in case of front teeth that would allow you to eat and function like normal during the healing phase of three to six months.
Healing time following surgery varies from case to case.
- At times, a second surgery where necessary is performed.
- After the end of the healing phase and upon complete integration / bonding of the implant with the bone, a permanent ceramic tooth is placed.
- The new tooth will allow you to eat, look and function like natural teeth.
Single tooth:
A single missing tooth is replaced with a single implant being the most ideal treatment resulting in the best stable and esthetic solution.
May we advise you to book a consultation with Dr. Anisa Shaikh for discussing treatment options of your dental implant concerns in detail.