Root Canal Therapy is a CONSERVATIVE procedure that enables patients to keep their natural teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. This treatment is performed when the pulp (a network of tissue fibers containing veins, arteries, and nerves) becomes infected or inflamed by bacteria that enter the pulp of the tooth through decay or a crack.
Other factors that may also contribute to pulp
inflammation are
- repeated dental procedures
- or a blow or traumatic injury to the face. Patient may experience swelling
and discomfort along with pain from the infected tooth.
Procedure :
- The tooth is numbed with local anaesthesia, thus
making the treatment comfortable
- The tooth being treated, is isolated with a latex sheath or gauze to maintain
a clean working field.
- Canals (chambers within the root of a tooth) are accessed by making an
opening and removing all tooth decay.
- A series of x rays are taken to determine vital information needed to carry
out the procedure successfully.
- Using a series of fine instruments, the canals are cleaned, shaped and
- The canals are then filled to block any micro seepage from the jawbone and
- A temporary filling is placed into the opening made to access the canals, and
the patient is instructed to have this replaced with a permanent filling
followed by a crown.
What to expect following root canal treatment ?
- There may be some sensitivity to pressure, in which case, we advise you to avoid chewing from the area.
- Sometimes, you may develop swelling in the area, either from infection or trauma.
- It is not unusual for a patient to develop more sensitivity or swelling or both in the treated area following treatment. This increased sensitivity is considered normal.
- We advise that you continue taking your antibiotics, if/as prescribed, and pain medications as needed, as they will both assist in the healing process.
- You may experience a stiff jaw and or some soreness upon opening and closing your mouth when lower teeth are treated.
If this occurs, apply heat
and massage the jaw joint area. The injection given in the joint area could
sometimes cause stiffness. It may take up to a month for the jaw to get back to