esthetic full mouth rehabilitation : )

Untoward and heavy loading forces on teeth (clenching/grinding), gross decay, gum disease, fracture and loss of teeth can lead to loss of harmony in the mouth. All teeth appear shorter, irregular and rough. One is not able to eat and chew properly, the lips & cheeks sag, face looks older leading to overall disappointment. Complete rehabilitation treatment involves combination of crowns, bridges, veneers, implants and root canal treatment where necessary. All of the teeth in the mouth are then restored back to create a stunning smile.

The treatment planning involves detailed consultation, diagnostic study models of your mouth followed by wax up and functioning record of your bite and jaw relation / position. Teeth are treated with fillings and build ups, implants placed and root canal treatment done where necessary. Custom made mock up of crowns and veneers as temporary restorations are made to fit and your smile, bite and jaw position is evaluated to determine if any changes are required in the temporary restorations. Permanent restorations are then placed giving you a charismatic smile.

May we advise you to come by for a consultation appointment for creating your celebrity smile.

Just email us : )