Hello & Welcome to our office website with founding principles of Care, Comfort and Courteous. We are conveniently located at the heart of Toronto's financial district, just across the street from First Canadian Place, a block from Queen Subway, City Hall and Eaton Center.

About Us diptiDental provides a calm environment. Building a relationship on trust and confidence is our priority and an obligation with respect to the noble profession we are in, "to help and serve". We try our ardent best to satisfy the needs and well being of our patients. Dental emergencies are seen as soon as possible.

Quality Care We work towards providing a comforting and relaxing experience during your dental visit. We are aware that many of you are anxious about dental visits, while we may not be able to make it an evening at the opera, we hope to come close to that. Dr. Anisa Shaikh has been practising cosmetic, family & surgical dentistry for the past fifteen years with emphasis on conservatively attaining treatment goals and thereby better dental health. You could come by our dental office WITHOUT a referral.

We humbly appreciate and welcome your confidence in our office by referral of your friends, family and colleagues to our practice. Do email us for any further assistance or queries, we look forward to seeing you, Once again

Hello & Welcome to diptiDental :)